Friday, September 26, 2008


Here's a couple of lesser videos that I took while in Orlando.

This first one, is a video that was taken in my office in The Jesus Film Project. Here you'll see Irv, Krystal and myself working in The Jesus Film Project, my computer, my bike, and all sorts of other stuff. Now this is very impromptu and not scripted at all, so if it looks crap, I guess that's why. ^_^

Here's a video that I did in the airport the day I left. You won't be able to hear it very well because the airport is obnoxiously loud but it was basically my farewell to Orlando and I thought I'd put it in.


And here it is, the final day at my internship in Orlando Florida.
Hope you've enjoyed the info for those of you who took the time to read through it all. I'll have a few more supplemental videos for some tied up loose ends and whatnot.

But thanks everyone who has supported me. I can't thank you enough. This trip was very edifying spiritually and just good career building. But just as much was that I got to be a part of Campus Crusade for Christ, a movement and organization that I respect and believe that God has blessed for it's efforts to share the invitation for Christ with students and people around the world. I hope to work with them again soon.

Thanks again, see you later!


And here's the link to the finished animatic on Youtube

Enjoy ^_^

Week 12

Week 12, Almost there!!

Week 11

And here's week 11

week 10

Week 10 for your viewing pleasure.

Week 9

And here's week 9

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 8

Or also known as week 1 POSP (Post Orlando Summer Project)

(((This video was giving me some problems so i had to rerecord it without my participation.)))